Graduate Research Funding

The Duke Graduate School Research Support

The Graduate School at Duke University provides funding opportunities for Ph.D. students to travel to conduct pre-dissertation or dissertation research. Award amounts will vary from $500 to $3,000 depending on the research project and the number of proposals funded. Funding generally includes travel costs, some living expenses, and direct research expenses. Find out more:

Dissertation Research Travel Award: Domestic
Dissertation Research Travel Award: International

The James B. Duke International Research Travel Fellowship provides an annual stipend (equivalent to the Graduate School-recommended Arts and Sciences nine-month stipend established each year), as well as tuition, mandatory fees and a $2,000 travel allowance for students who need to conduct their dissertation research abroad. Find out more:

James B. Duke International Research Travel Fellowship

Find other funding opportunities here: The Graduate School's Financial Support page.

Department of Classical Studies Research Travel Awards

Thanks to the generosity of various endowments, the Department of Classical Studies can offer funding up to $1750 for a limited number of extra ordinem research opportunities for Duke University graduate students.


  1. Graduate students may apply for support to increase their exposure to and interaction with archaeology, to study collections at first hand, to curate such collections, to conduct in-situ investigation of classical antiquity, to participate in research training programs abroad (e.g., the AAR Winter School in Greek Palaeography and Codicology), and the like. If you are planning to work in archaeology, please signal that on your application, since we have a dedicated endowment for that purpose.
  2. Students must early on discuss with his/her mentor and the DGS the impact of the travel or research program on other obligations such as course work, teaching, dissertation writing, and in general satisfactory progress towards the Ph.D. Both advisor and DGS will be asked to approve the project before the application can be considered.
  3. No graduate student may receive more than one research travel award in a given academic year. (Students may, however, receive a conference travel award as well as a research travel award.)
  4. Students past the fifth year are not eligible for awards that do not directly aid completion of the dissertation.

Application Instructions
Prior to submitting an application, discuss the project with your advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Classical Studies. If you have the support of your advisor and the DGS, complete the application by the deadline: March 15

Apply now!

External Research Funding

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South annually awards $2000 scholarships to help cover participation in summer excavation or field school at an archaeological site in the Greco-Roman world. Applications are due in January or February. For details see

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South also annually awards a $3000 scholarship to be applied to a summer travel program in the graduate student’s research area (Janice and Herbert Benario Award), and two full fellowships for graduate students to attend the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (William T. Semple and Mary A. Grant Awards). Applications are due in January or February. For details see

The American School of Classical Studies in Athens offers 25 fellowships to support research in Athens for graduate and post-graduate research. Applications are generally due in January. For details see