Professor Forte's Fieldwork Team in Vulci

Professor Forte's Fieldwork Team in Vulci

Lead by Duke Professor Maurizio Forge, the Vulci 3000, a multidisciplinary archaeological research project that employs advanced digital technologies, is focused on the Etruscan and Roman site of Vulci (10th–3rd c. BCE–4th c. CE). Located in the Province of Viterbo, Italy, Vulci was one of the largest and most important cities in the 1st millennium BCE in the Italian peninsula. This project will analyze and track the transformation and development of Vulci into a city, then city-state, and finally into a Roman city, and serve to interpret models of urban transformation in the ancient world. The habitation site is a unique, stratified, and mostly untouched, urban context that includes, in the same area, Iron Age, Etruscan, Roman and Medieval settlements.

For more info, please visit IFR's website