Tara Wells: ASCSA Summer Seminar: The Northern Aegean: Macedon and Thrace

View of the city from The Acropolis in Athens, Greece
View of the city from The Acropolis in Athens, Greece

This summer 2022 I was granted a Classical Studies Research Travel Award in support of my participation in a Summer Seminar at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Thanks to the generous funding and support of the Teasley Family Student Endowment Fund I was able to take part in an incredible opportunity that made for an educational and enriching summer.

The Summer Seminar I attended was focused on the Northern Aegean: Macedon and Thrace, so we spent most of our three weeks together traveling around the Northern Aegean visiting various sites and museums. We traveled to a great variety of places including Athens, Thessaloniki, Thasos, Samothrace, Abdera, Maroneia, Alexandroupolis, Komotini, Philippi, Pella, Volos, and Demetrias. We explored the sites and museums with a focus on issues of colonization and cross-cultural interaction, both topics which I am interested in for my own research purposes. Thus, this program fed directly into my own research, making the Research Travel Award a perfect fit for funding this opportunity. Throughout the trip we practiced archaeological skills in identification, analysis, and contextualization of archaeological sites and artifacts, all of which was extremely valuable for me as an aspiring Classical Archaeologist. I also learned about various cultures and identities beyond the Atheno-centric scope Classics often has, which was incredibly useful and moving. We also discussed subjects of migration and movement in antiquity, another aspect of the ancient world which I am interested in and am even leaning towards focusing on for my dissertation. This summer was therefore invaluable for my research interests and helping to further refine them, as well as giving me the opportunity to network and make connections with people whose own research could provide important foundations for my future research. Additionally, many of the sites and objects we saw were among the most important items that are included in the Archaeology Qualifying Exam Reading List, so it was a helpful research experience in preparing me for that examination as well as for my upcoming Preliminary Exams in Spring 2023.

Ultimately, this summer opportunity was an incredible, wonderful experience full of learning and enjoyment. I am extremely grateful to the department and the Teasley Family for their generosity and support – thank you so much for affording me this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Special Close-up access to the Temple of Athena Nike on The Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Special Close-up access to the Temple of Athena Nike on The Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Approaching the island of Samothrace, Greece by ferry
Approaching the island of Samothrace, Greece by ferry
Inside the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Greece
Inside the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Greece